Dear Fellows and Members,
Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Netherlands Branch takes place on TUESDAY 27 June at 15.30 (Dutch time). All Fellows and Members are welcome to join in person or online and participate in the further development of our branch. Have your say and join us on the day!
If you are planning to attend, can you please respond to this email by 21 June.
College Zeemanshoop, Amsterdam, Muntplein 10a, 1012 WR Amsterdam
How to get there: https://zeemanshoop.nl/contact/
1. Welcome and Introduction
2. Chairman’s Update
3. Treasurer’s Update
4. Adoption of the Treasurer’s Report
5. Committee Elections.
6. Any other business
The Nautical Institute Bye Laws Part Three (Branches) Article 5.
(i) The business of the Branch shall be managed by a Branch Committee elected by Branch members and shall consist of the following Officers: Chair, Vice-Chair (where applicable), Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer.
Any member of Council or the Executive Board resident in the area shall be a member of the Branch Committee ex officio. In addition to the above Officers and members of Council, the Branch Committee shall consist of not less than four or more than sixteen elected members.
(ii) Election and retirement of Branch Officers and Committee.
Nominations for Officers of a Branch must be members of The Nautical Institute and resident in the branch area. Nomination of a candidate for the Committee of the Branch should be delivered in writing to the Branch Secretary by the proposer and seconder both of whom should be members of the Branch. The written consent of a Nominee to serve in the appropriate capacity should accompany a nomination. Such nomination will be considered for the next election if received before the Branch Annual General Meeting. The Branch Committee may set a longer notice period for such nominations.
The maximum term of office for a Branch officer in each post shall be three years, at the end of which they may be nominated for re-election to that post for a further maximum term of three years. After six years in office in that post, the Branch officer shall stand down from that position. However, in the event that there are no new volunteers to be elected as a Branch Officer in that position, the Branch committee may apply to the Executive Board for dispensation to waive this clause and such application shall be renewed annually as necessary.
Branch committee members shall be elected for a maximum term of three years and may then offer themselves for re-election to further terms of up to three years. There shall be no limit to a member’s length of service on a Branch Committee.
The Branch Committee may at their discretion fill any casual vacancy which may arise between one Branch Annual General Meeting and the next and may co-opt additional sea-going members at any time.
Thanks in advance and we do look forward to meeting you.
Kind regards,
Capt. Shawn Sequeira, President.
The Nautical Institute, Netherlands Branch Committee (www.ninl.nl)